This app was originally developed for the iPhone, and the author deserves kudos for a solid job of translating the IRL game into a fairly intuitive format. If I were just rating the iPhone version, Id give it a 4 because I think it would be challenging to do better with such a small screen.
However, Im basing my review on the iPad version (which is just the iPhone version in 2x on the iPad), since Ive only had the experience of playing it on an iPad. Its a shame that the extra screen space isnt being used to its full potential, as it would reduce the clunkiness of repeatedly tabbing through pages. I was constantly forgetting which developments I had already purchased, how much food I had, and the quantity & value of my goods. It would be convenient to have this information available at a glance at the bottom of the iPad screen.
Another feature Id like to see added (both iPhone & iPad) is the ability to undo all of the discarded goods for that turn, so that a different choice can be made.
In summary, its a good IRL game that was translated into a good iPhone app, but its just OK on the iPad. The play experience would be dramatically improved for the iPad if the app took advantage of the larger screen space available.
Atari42 about Roll Through the Ages, v1.1.2